Project Title: Journey of Nyckelharpa
series of illustrations
Each illustration will transport viewers to iconic European locales, where the musician, adorned in traditional costumes, becomes a cultural ambassador through music and visual storytelling.
Concept: The project celebrates the nyckelharpa, a traditional Swedish instrument, and its resonance across diverse European settings. Each illustration will be crafted with meticulous detail on imitation old paper brown backgrounds, using black and white crayons to evoke a timeless, nostalgic aesthetic.
Artistic Approach:
Black and white crayons on textured brown paper, mimicking aged parchment, to impart a sense of nostalgia and authenticity. Detailed yet impressionistic, focusing on capturing the essence of each locale and the cultural richness of traditional costumes. Each illustration not only portrays the musician but also hints at the cultural backdrop and historical resonance of the nyckelharpa in European musical traditions.